There comes the time when the demolition of a geothermal system impends. The recommendation for this phase of decommissioning and post-closure is to concern with the topic early enough. It is important to be informed about what the legal framework regarding the demolition of energy plants looks like, what needs to be done, for example what kind of data and plans need be provided for this undertaking. But also for this phase, there are some participation measures that can be taken into account.
First, it can be advised to be transparent about what is going to happen with the plant, why it needs to be done, how it is planned to be done. All of these issues can be broached in the form of citizen dialogues. Furthermore there is the possibility to concretely ask the citizen what could be the next step for the area, what kind of future projects come to their minds or what their needs and visions for the community are. By integrating the ideas of citizens for future plans, but also more general by striving for a good relationship with them during the entire period of the geothermal projects´ implementation and operation, there is a good chance to soon be able to plan a new project for the area after the demolition of the previous one.
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