4th of October 2022
15:00 CEST
CROWDTHERMAL invites geothermal project developers and any other interested stakeholders to an introductory webinar on the set of services developed to encourage the involvement of citizens in the development of geothermal projects via alternative financing methods.
Through our set of services, we intend to help geothermal project developers answer the following questions:
- How to address my concerns related to the environment, finance, risk mitigation and social engagement in a geothermal project?
- What are the key elements to be taken into consideration for the development of community-financed geothermal projects?
- What are the best alternative finance and risk mitigation schemes for my geothermal project?
- How to perform an economic modelling of my geothermal project?
- How can I learn about geothermal projects in Europe using alternative finance? How can I register my project and contact other project developers?
- Where can I learn more about geothermal energy, alternative finance, risk mitigation or social engagement strategies?
Join us on 4 October 2022 for a free introduction to these services!
More information on the services: https://www.crowdthermalproject.eu/crowdthermal-core-services/
Participation is free but registration mandatory via the following link: https://bit.ly/3xkl2zO
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The organiser of this event (CROWDTHERMAL project) is collecting the data you have provided for the registration to the event ‘CROWDTHERMAL services: An introduction for project developers’ on the 4th of October 2022. Your personal data are processed in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679.
The following personal data are collected: email address, first name, last name and name of your company or organisation. In the registration form, we also ask attendees if they would like to subscribe to the CROWDTHERMAL mailing list.
The recipients of your data will be the staff of Eimur and the European Federation of Geologists (EFG) in charge of the event organisation. Your data will not be shared with third parties and will not be used for other purposes than providing access to the event and informing interested persons about follow-up activities.
Your data will be kept for a maximum period of three months after the end of the event. Data will be automatically deleted at the end of this period.
You have the right to access your personal data and the right to correct any inaccurate or incomplete personal data. If you have any queries concerning the processing of your personal data, you may address them to anita.stein_eurogeologists.eu.