Case Studies

The district heating system of Szeged, represented by SZETÁV in the Team, has 23 heating circuits powered by 1-20mW boilers, around 200km pipelines and 224mW total energy output.
- Project partner involved: SZETÁV
- Focus: district heating system of Szeged with currently 23 heating circuits powered by 1-20mW boilers, around 200 km pipelines and 224mW total energy output
- EU funding and private investment for the project totalling 70M €
- During the project, 27 new wells will be drilled in the city
- More than 1000 future end-users will be polled, relevant local and regional stake-holder groups will be interviewed, responses to our geothermal plans will be analysed, cross-border effects will be assessed based on focus-group interviews in Serbia
- Methods of community-based financing will be investigated to reach new end-users at a later stage

The Spanish Case Study, represented by GeoPlat in the Project team, promotes new housing cooperatives in Madrid that will utilise shallow geothermal energy for heating and cooling.
- Project partner involved: GeoPlat
- Focus: new housing cooperatives in Madrid that will use shallow geothermal energy for heating and cooling
- Already existing cooperatives in Madrid that can serve as an initial example of public-driven and co-financed shallow geothermal schemes:
- Arroyo Bodonal Cooperative: Residential complex of 80 dwellings where the demand of heating, cooling and DHW is completely covered by shallow geothermal energy.
- EAI310 Cooperative: Urbanization of 220 houses built according to the criteria of the Trias Energetica, using shallow geothermal energy as renewable energy source.
- These previous experiences are studied in detail using interviews and surveys and will be used to promote even more ambitious projects in the outskirts of Madrid based on cooperative crowdfunding models and shallow geothermal systems, helping to overcome financial and structural challenges

GEORG and Eimur represent the Icelandic Case Study, which is Húsavík Community Greenhouse. It is surrounded by geothermal energy on all sides. The area is located near five active volcanos, Krafla being the best known.
- Project partners involved: GEORG and Eimur
- Focus: Showcase for direct use and the possibilities behind geothermal utilization. Increasing the regions sustainability with local value creation as food production and processing.
- Geothermal activities have always been an integral part of the area and have moulded the society, economy and environment since the settlement of Iceland.
- Abundance of geothermal heat is flowing in the area as well as fresh water. The goal of the project is to utilize the resources better and incerase the regions sustainability.
- By focusing on local food production, the project decreases the carbon footprint of the food, taps into local resources, geothermal energy and knowhow, creates new jobs, bolsters the local economy and provides regular and carbon neutral access to important nourishment all year round.

‘This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement nº 857830.’

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