Webinar: Empowering rural innovation by crowdfunding geothermal energy projects
The Icelandic Crowdthermal partners Eimur and GEORG are hosting a conference on the 14th of September in Húsavík, Iceland. The conference will be streamed and openly accessible to those who register.
CROWDTHERMAL launches Beta-version of its services empowering the European public to participate in the development of geothermal projects
Brussels I July 2022 I The Horizon 2020 funded CROWDTHERMAL project launches its set of core services for communities of citizens, geothermal project developers and local authorities with a view to facilitating the involvement of citizens in the development of geothermal energy projects.
Webinar: How to evaluate and take into account public perception in geothermal district heating and cooling projects
The EU-funded CROWDTHERMAL project and the COST Action CA18219 'Research network for including geothermal technologies into decarbonized heating and cooling grids –...
CROWDTHERMAL First International Conference: Introducing our services for community-funded geothermal projects
On 7 April 2022, the CROWDTHERMAL project organised its first international conference with a view to introducing its services for community-funded geothermal projects to the public.
CROWDTHERMAL issues recommendations
The CROWDTHERMAL project officially ended in December 2022 and the research team therefore summarised key recommendations in two factsheets addressing National authorities and the EU as well as Project developers and Local authorities.
Discover the CROWDTHERMAL services in our video!
CROWDTHERMAL developed a set of core services which intend to support project developers, local authorities and communities that are interested in developing geothermal projects using alternative finance methods.
Learn more about these services in our video!
#DYK? Geothermal is a great renewable energy source!
Our mission in CROWDTHERMAL is to empower society to get involved in the development of new geothermal projects all across Europe.
Webinar: CROWDTHERMAL services – An introduction for communities and local authorities
The EU-funded CRWODTHERMAL project invites communities and local authorities to an introductory webinar on its services.
First Geothermal District Heating and Cooling Day event: “Bringing Geothermal heating and cooling networks closer to the people”
The Geothermal District Heating and Cooling Day intends to connect science and society by presenting recent developments and prospects, supporting the interlinking of stakeholders across Europe and jointly addressing present challenges and barriers for the deployment of geothermal energy supported heating and cooling networks in Europe.
Webinar: CROWDTHERMAL services – An introduction for geothermal project developers
The EU-funded CRWODTHERMAL project invites geothermal project developers to an introductory webinar on its services.
Primera conferencia internacional: Presentamos nuestros servicios para proyectos geotérmicos con financiación-comunitaria
El 7 de abril de 2022, el proyecto CROWDTHERMAL organiza su primera conferencia internacional, en Madrid y online, con el objetivo de presentar al público sus servicios para proyectos geotérmicos financiados por la comunidad.
#GeothermalTalks interview series with Geothermal District and Cooling Network and CROWDTHERMAL
This is an interview series, coorganised by Geothermal District Heating and Cooling Cost Action, and CROWDTHERMAL project. The speakers are discussing how to bring clean energy...
Experience geothermal up close thanks to CROWDTHERMAL
The mission of the EU funded CROWDTHERMAL project is to empower the European public to directly participate in the development of geothermal projects, with the help of alternative financing schemes and social engagement tools.
CROWDTHERMAL newsletter #2
The new edition of the CROWDTHERMAL newsletter is now online!
GEOENVI/CROWDTHERMAL webinar on public engagement – 16 March 2021
The GEOENVI and CROWDTHERMAL projects are co-organising a webinar entitled “Targeting acceptability and co-ownership for deep geothermal projects” on 16 March 2021, 10-12 am CET.
Collaboration with Geothermal-DHC
This autumn, we started to strengthen ties with the Cost Action Geothermal-DHC.
In the first edition of our newsletter you can read more about our research and outreach activities.
EU policy reforms will help to boost CROWDTHERMAL endeavours
Two recent EU policy reforms can help to boost CROWDTHERMAL endeavours.
AB Workshop follow-up meeting
On 28th September 2020, the CROWDTHERMAL Consortium held its second meeting of the year 2 of the project. The objective was to follow up on the Advisory Board Meeting held on the 16th September 2020.
CROWDTHERMAL Advisory Board provides feedback on preliminary project results
On 16 September 2020, the CROWDTHERMAL project held its first Advisory Board workshop in order to validate outcomes of the first project year. The Advisory Board gathers experts from the geothermal, financial and social side.
Summer activities in the district heating system of Szeged, the Hungarian case study
The main goal of CROWDTHERMAL is to empower European citizens to directly participate in the development of geothermal projects with the help of alternative financing schemes,...
Lessons learnt from renewable energy projects
Over the past few weeks, we have presented various examples from different renewable energy sectors where alternative financing models have been chosen. To sum up the campaign,...
Best practises for the use of alternative financing in the development of renewable energy projects
CROWDTHERMAL partner CrowdfundingHub has analysed 10 best practise cases for the use of alternative financing in the development of renewable energy projects. The focus in these...
The CROWDTHERMAL video: Empowering EU citizens to develop geothermal
The CROWDTHERMAL presentation video has been released in English and subtitled in Hungarian, Icelandic, and Spanish. Despite its huge potential and its important role in...
Cordis Results Pack on geothermal
Cordis Results Pack on geothermal: “A new and viable alternative energy source to help achieve Europe’s climate ambitions”
Two days Geothermal Brussels events
The Two days Geothermal Brussels events took place on the 4th and 5th of February with more than 60 participants from different European countries. The event was dedicated to the...
CROWDTHERMAL has been presented in Brussels and in Wuhan, China
CROWDTHERMAL project - empowering society to participate in the development of geothermal - has been presented twice last week. Firstly at the 4th Workshop of H2020 Geothermal...
CROWDTHERMAL Kick off Meeting, Brussels
The CROWDTHERMAL project has held its kick-off meeting in Brussels, on 23 and 24 September 2019. CROWDTHERMAL is funded under the European...
Preparing for the Kick off Meeting
CROWDTHERMAL partners are preparing for the Kick off Meeting, in Brussels on the 23rd and 24th of September. This meeting will gather all partners and will serve as the first...
CROWDTHERMAL project has just started!
The CROWDTHERMAL project aims to empower the European public to directly participate in the development of geothermal projects with the help of alternative financing...