CROWDTHERMAL project aims to empower the European public to directly participate in the development of geothermal projects with the help of alternative financing schemes (crowdfunding) and social engagement tools
CROWDTHERMAL is an EU Horizon 2020 funded project, developing alternative funding schemes for geothermal energy.

Why Crowdthermal
1. Are you interested in geothermal?
CROWDTHERMAL is analysing the perception of geothermal energy and will develop a public engagement approach making extensive use of social media.
2. Would you like to participate in geothermal projects?
CROWDTHERMAL will formulate new financial models for crowdsourcing, promoting alternative financing of geothermal projects in close collaboration with existing structures & conventional players.

3. What are the risks related to geothermal projects?
CROWDTHERMAL will formulate recommendations for a novel risk mitigation scheme that will be complementing the alternative financing solutions while protecting the interests of private investors.
4. What can we do to support your project?
CROWDTHERMAL e will prepare a decision tree algorithm with guidelines for the developers and promoters of geothermal energy.
All this will be put into practice in three case study areas in Hungary, Iceland and Spain in order validate the deployment of the CROWDTHERMAL toolbox.

Latest News
CROWDTHERMAL issues recommendations
The CROWDTHERMAL project officially ended in December 2022 and the research team therefore summarised key recommendations in two factsheets addressing National authorities and the EU as well as Project developers and Local authorities.
Discover the CROWDTHERMAL services in our video!
CROWDTHERMAL developed a set of core services which intend to support project developers, local authorities and communities that are interested in developing geothermal projects using alternative finance methods.
Learn more about these services in our video!
#DYK? Geothermal is a great renewable energy source!
Our mission in CROWDTHERMAL is to empower society to get involved in the development of new geothermal projects all across Europe.

Learn more about

Fact Sheet
Start date: 1 September 2019. End date: 31 August 2022.
Funding: € 2 305 801,25, EU Horizon 2020 programme.
Funding scheme: H2020 Building a low-carbon, climate resilient future, Coordination and support action