Toolbox for risk-evaluation and mitigation
Perform a thorough economic modelling of your geothermal project – with or without community funding!
How to perform an economic modelling of my geothermal project?
CROWDTHERMAL compiled the parameters necessary to perform a full economic modelling of your geothermal project. They include key project details, geological parameters, plant specifications, CAPEX, OPEX, and financing plan. The compilation is meant as a guideline for the information that is needed to create a robust financial model and perform a complete economic analysis of a geothermal project.
In addition, you can have access to a SPREADSHEET in which you may enter your own data for each parameter. Your completed, individual spreadsheet can be used as a basis for a project-specific economic assessment, financial scenario and sensitivity analyses, as well as a bankable feasibility study.
Reduce and mitigate the financial risks related to your project implementation!
Project Description
- Project Name
- Country
- Project Developer
- Construction phase
- Commissioning Power Plant
- Commissioning Heat Plant
- Planned Life-Time in years
- Plant Process (Power / Heat / CHP)
- Sales Plan Heat: Full Utilization in Hours
- Inquired heat output
Selling Prices
- Power Selling Price
- Power Selling Price StockEx
- Calculatory Heat Selling Price
Purchase Prices
- Power Purchase Price
- Gas Purchase Price
Inflation Rates
- Reinvestments
- Labor Costs
- General Costs
- Maintenance Costs
First Production Well
- True vertical depth
- Measured depth
- Production temperature well-head
- Flow rate
- Productivity index
- Total Dissolved Solids
First Injection Well
- True vertical depth
- Measured depth
- Injection temperature
- Flow rate
- Injectivity index
Subsequent Wells
- True vertical depth
- Measured depth
- Production temperature well-head
- Injection temperature
- Flow rate
- Productivity index
- Injectivity index
- Total Dissolved Solids
Thermal Water Pump
- Required pump height during operation to deliver thermal water in meter
- Max heat delivery, peak load
- Total heat demand to be delivered
- Electric production at design point
Feed pump
- Pressure maintenance above ground
Injection pump
- A reinjection pump (YES/NO)
- If ‘YES’:
- Pressure difference the pump has to get over
CHP unit for own power consumption
- CHP unit own power supply (YES/NO)
- If ‘YES’:
- Own energy consumption of power plant
- Own energy consumption of heat plant
Power plant
- Power loss until customer/feed point
- Heat loss until customer/feed point
Heat plant
- 1st Year of Operation
- 2nd Year of Operation
- from 3rd Year of Operation onwards
Power plant
- 1st Year of Operation
- 2nd Year of Operation
- from 3rd Year of Operation onwards
Planning and Exploration
- Exploration License
- Geological Planning & Monitoring
- Geophysical Exploration
- Drilling Consultant
- TÜV, notified body, noise report
- Project Management, Engineering
- Architect, Building Permits, Structual Planning
- Legal Advice
Drilling Site
- Land
- Drillpad, Soundwalls
Drilling Costs
First Well
- Drilling Costs
- Completion
- Logging
- Testing
- Chemical stimulation
- Hydraulic stimulation
- Side-Track
Second Well
- Drilling Costs
- Completion
- Logging
- Testing
- Chemical stimulation
- Hydraulic stimulation
- Side-Track
Subsequent Wells
- Drilling Costs
- Completion
- Logging
- Testing
- Chemical stimulation
- Hydraulic stimulation
- Side-Track
- Downhole Pump incl. Installation
- Downhole Pump electric
- Injection Pump incl. Installation
- Injection Pump electric
Road Connection / Connection- and Thermal Circuit
- Cost for Tendering and Legal Advice
- Thermal Water System
- Supervision Thermal Water System
- Grid Connection
Power Plant
- Cost for Tendering and Legal Advice
- Engineering Power Plant
- Foundation, Electric controls, Surroundings
- Power Plant
Heat Plant
- Pipe network to main district heating
- Piping and Accessories for Heat Station
- Funnel System
- Circulation Pump
- Pressure Control System
- Heat Exchanger
- Heat Transfer Station
CHP Unit
- CHP unit
Capital Procurement Costs
- Capital Procurement Costs
Reserves for Decommissioning / Plug and Abandon
- Reserves for Decommissioning / Plug and Abandon
Costs during Construction Phase
- Project Management
- Operational Management
- Seismic Monitoring
- Public Relations
- Consulting Cost
- Working Material
- Rent / Lease
- Concessions, Licenses, Permissions, Report to Authorities
- Miscellaneous
Costs during Operational Phase
- Additional Personal
- Seismic Monitoring
- HSE Costs
- Cleaning Heat Exchanger
- Cleaning Air-Cooled Condenser
- Inspections notified body
- Working Material / Inhibitor / Waste disposal
- Rent / Lease
- Concessions, Licenses, Permissions, Report to Authorities
- Miscellaneous
- Liability Insurance
- Loss of Profits Insurance
Maintenance Costs
- Drilling Costs
- Pumps
- Road Connection / Connection- and Thermal Circuit
- Plant
- Heating Central
Service & Inspection Costs
- Drilling Costs
- Pumps
- Road Connection / Connection- and Thermal Circuit
- Plant
- Heating Central
Dismantling Measures
- Dismantling measures above ground
- Dismantling measures underground
- Inflation (%)
Funding/ Financing Plan
Are you planning to use alternative financing methods? (Please see definitions in the “AltFin definitions” sheet of the questionnaire)
If yes, answer is needed:
- Crowdfunding (Shares/Equity)
- Crowdfunding (Reward-Based)
- Leasing
- Crowdfunding (Loans)
- Direct Lending (Regular Loans)
- Social/Green Bonds
Shareholder Structure (Equity): Number and Share
- Shareholder 1, Shareholder 2, …
Capital (Shareholderfunding I)
- Shareholder 1, Shareholder 2, …
Capital Reserve (Shareholderfunding II)
- Shareholder 1, Shareholder 2, …
Grants "Non-Repayable"
- Grant 1, Grant 2, …
Loans (e.g. Shareholder, Fonds)
- Loan 1, Loan 2, …
Supplier (e.g. Power Plant Supplier) Loans
- Supplier Loan 1, Supplier Loan 2, …
Bank Loans
- Bank Loan 1, Bank Loan 2, …
Equity/Debt Ratio
- Equity/Debt Ratio